How can this industry change the way you look at life?

I started working in the evaluadores encubiertos For BARE International in 2015.


BARE International Is one of the leading companies in the sector, offering market research and services auditing at national and global levels. An undercover evaluator is an independent worker who goes to certain stores pretending to be a regular customer, while recording all the details since after the visit he will have to answer a questionnaire about the care received.

As every new employee wanted Learn as much as possible of the company.

I was curious about my positions and responsibilities. One of the managers told me that she was the main point of contact with customers: she detected their needs; Helped them put together the questionnaire that the evaluators had to answer, and reported the results to the clients.

Do some clients need help in putting together the questionnaire?

This really surprised me. I must admit that I deeply respect our customers: they realize the importance of the shopping experience, they are ready to receive the return and, moreover, they pay for it.

But, how can one ask for a refund if he is not really sure what he or she wants to know? That made me think…

There may be a parallelism between customer satisfaction and the satisfaction one seeks in life.

I work in an industry where we sell the return / result of an investigation to customers who demand it. These companies have a healthy level of self-criticism, are willing to receive frank answers that the customer gives them on the quality of their service. They are ready to listen and want to improve.

Are we ready to receive a detailed refund of our lives?

You do not need to ask others in the first place. This industry made me realize that the most important thing is to be able to assemble the questionnaire and find out what it is that we consider fundamental to be satisfied. I think these would be my questions: Do I spend enough time with the ones I love the most? I still travel? Is there enough music and sport in my life? Do I get up in a good mood on Mondays? Can I be proud of my professional and personal accomplishments when I look back? The list is longer, and will continue to change over the years..

What questions would you ask?

Have you thought of them yet?

Are you ready to give you a refund?

Author: Szintia1601260_10203075703433404_7153695029350124384_n

Szintia works for Bare International. He has a master’s degree in Strategic Management in Human Resources. Apart from his work in the team social networking and recruiting, he loves sports and traveling. She is a couchsurfer and is currently learning her sixth language.

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